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Written from the perspective of a kennel blanket

The Kennel Blanket Story: I’m a Kennel Blanket. You can call me KB. I’m tough. Yeah, I’ve been around a bit, you know, but all my best friends are dogs and that can be a ruff life. These dogs I hang with are scared and nervous but I do my best to keep them calm. Sometimes I get chewed on, peed on or even used in a growly game of tug ‘o war, but that’s okay. It’s all a part of my life. When I get too dirty or stinky I get washed and dried and I start over again. My favorite part is when a dog is scared and uses me for comfort. They squish me up with their toes just right and then snuggle in for a good long sleep, all wrapped in love. I do good work because the dogs that take comfort get to go home with their new family and then I get to meet a new dog.

Kennel Blanket Story 1: I’m a Kennel Blanket. I’m that tough guy you just read about. I’m also somebody’s best friend. When I first got here they just put me in a kennel and I waited to see what would happen. I heard someone talk about the new dog they just got in. I saw what happened to my friends and I was pretty excited. When this dog came in he gave me some pretty good sniffs and wagged his tail. He slept right on top of me that first night and then the next day is when we got to be really good buddies. He picked me up in his mouth and took me out to play. We had so much fun! He tossed me up in the air and then caught me. He shook me all around and ran around. He is my best friend and I will be here for him until someone adopts him. He’s perfect. I wonder why he’s here?

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