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From the Perspective of Adoption Blankets

Adoption Blanket Story 1: I was stored with a bunch of other blankets and riding around in the back of the car of this guy. He’s a rescue director and he loves dogs. He saw this hitch hiker and dog at the side of the road and decided to give him a ride. When the hitch hiker got out, the guy gave me to him so I can wrap that road dog in love! I wonder where I will end up. As long as it’s with my new best friends, I’ll go anywhere.

Adoption Blanket Story 2: My story starts in a shelter. One day this scared, scruffy dog came in with her head just hanging so low. She was sad. Very, very sad. A nice lady decided I was the perfect blanket for this scruffy girl. At first she didn’t even look at me, but then, she came over to me and sniffed, then sighed a big sigh, and went to sleep curled up in a ball right on top of me. The next day another nice lady came along and said her name is “Foster Mom” and would be taking my scruffy pal. I was sad until they picked me up and let me go with her. Scruffy was shaking and scared on the ride to the new house, but she and I cuddled and she did better. I heard Foster Mom say that Scruffy Girl was a puppy mill survivor. Now we both live in a warm house and Scruffy sleeps on me all Wrapped in Love every night. We even get to sleep on the couch! Foster Mom says if someone wants to adopt us both they can, but we are just as happy as can be right here for now.

Adoption Blanket Story 3: My story starts in prison. No, no, I’m not a bad blanket. I just have a very special job. I was just waiting until one day this dog showed up. This dog was from a shelter and was kind of stressed out, you know? So this guy grabs me and puts me on the floor and the dog walked right over and sat on me! I knew we were going to be buds after that move. Me and my dog were then introduced to one of the inmates and found out we have a job. The dog gets trained for service and I get to stay with him. I’m the only thing the dog ever had in his life that belonged to just him. I’m staying with this dog forever, all through the training program and in prison and then onto our new life out in the world.

Adoption Blanket Story 4: My story is a mix of happy and sad. My job is to provide comfort to a dog who is terminally ill. The wonderful people in hospice rescue take care of these dogs and my job is very, very special. I keep the sweet, sick dogs warm and comforted until their very last minute. Sometimes it happens very quickly, sometimes it takes longer. It doesn’t matter. I wrap them in love every single minute and they know it.

Adoption Blanket Story 5: I was made ready. Ready for anything. So here I am one day at the shelter, just sitting there with my heart showing to anyone who looked, when this lady grabbed me. I was all, “Yahoo! Where are we going?” but she didn’t say a word. She carried me through the storage room, down the hallway, through a door and into this bright place with people and this wagging dog who was trying to get these two little boys to let him kiss them. The lady told them that I was their dog’s very own blanket. YES!!!! One of the little boys held the dog’s leash and the other one held me. It was awesome. We went outside and posed for a picture – all of us! This was the first dog ever for the boys and the first blanket ever for the dog! I’ll take good care of this dog. He’s a little nervous, but I’ve got this. Wrapped in Love, you guys! That’s where it’s at. I’m ready. Let’s go home.

Adoption Blanket Story 6: I have a great life. I was sent in a box with some other blankets right to this senior dog sanctuary. The lady that lives here takes care of all the older dogs that wouldn’t otherwise have a home. She thinks she does it alone, but I and my other blanket friends know we help too. These older dogs have some sad stories they share with us, late at night when they can’t sleep. They are so happy to have this forever retirement home where they get their own blanket and yard and a human that gives them all hugs and kisses and ear rubs. I’m glad I’m here for these senior dogs. The softness of my fabric feels good and they sleep well knowing they are Wrapped in Love.

Adoption Blanket Story 7: I saved a life today. A scared little dog came into this rescue that never knew love before. He was so nervous, but the nice people picked me to give him warmth and comfort. They wrapped him up in me and called me Blanket Therapy. But then he got scared again and confused. I couldn’t make him feel better right then and he ran away. The people were worried and searched and searched until it got dark. They put a crate outside and put me in it. All the people left but I waited for my new friend until he came back. He sniffed to make sure it was really me and then the best thing happened. He walked right into the crate where I was waiting and fell asleep. He knew that wherever I am is his home now. He will always be Wrapped in Love.

Adoption Blanket Story 8: Although my story starts where everyone else’s does: on the fabric bolt at a store, I have been chosen for a most honorable distinction. I was sent, along with a few of my friends, to a program that trains service dogs. I have seen my friends taken off the shelf and handed out to these service dogs in training and finally I am next. These dogs are so smart and I can hardly wait to be his or her blanket. After training I will go with my dog into service. Will my dog and I help a Veteran? Someone in a wheelchair? Will we visit nursing homes? Will it be a whole family or just one person? No matter what the job, I know my dog and I will be ready. We’re a team. The people will train the dog and I will make sure my dog is warm and cozy and comfortable every single day, Wrapped in Love.

Adoption Blanket Story 9: I’m just a regular adopter blanket sitting on the shelf at a very special rescue location, awaiting my turn with the other blankets. I’m a dark blanket on one side, fully expecting to go to a husky or a dark colored Lab. One day the rescue lady showed up and started going through us to find the next lucky blanket. We were all excited but confused by the fact that she wasn’t smiling like she usually did. In fact, she seemed sad. After sorting through several blankets she pulled me out of the stack and held me close. Her tears dripped on me and soaked in as I thought how very special this dog must be if she is that sad to see them go. She carried me to another room, hugging me the whole way. She placed me on a table and one by one she laid upon me small, fragile puppies and when done she folded me to embrace their bodies. That’s when I realized that none of them were moving. I had heard stories of the highest honor a blanket can have. I was chosen to Wrap these puppies in Love and escort them across the bridge until one day their rescuer joins them on the other side. I am honored to keep them warm until then.

Adoption Blanket Story 10: I’m special. I’m the favorite blanket of a dog that was rescued in October 2017. He is a snuggle bear and will nest in any blanket but I am by far his favorite! When the human put me in the laundry basket, my best friend pulled me out and took me upstairs to his bed. The human found me and put me back in the laundry. She carried the basket downstairs and again, he pulled me out, then laid down on me so that she couldn't take me! She said that today isn’t bath day for me after all! He KNOWS that I, his special blanket was made with LOVE and especially for him. My life, and now his, is perfect because we found each other.

Adoption Blanket Story 11: I think I might be different than a lot of blankets. Want to know why? Because I get to go home with a cat! This beautiful little kitty took a real liking to me. She purred and purred and then started kneading me with her cute little paws. Then she curled up into a ball and fell asleep right in the middle of me. I really like this cat. Sometimes she plays with me and pounces, hides under me and makes tunnels, and then takes another nap. She sure likes naps! The best part is that someone picked her to go home with them and I got to go too! Friends for life, this fluffy kitty and me, that’s what we are.

Adoption Blanket Story 12: I was hand delivered right to this cat rescue’s door and I get to stay here. See, this is a special rescue for cats with problems. Some of them are old, some of them are sick, all of them are special for some reason. My favorite place to sit is on the window seat with some other blankets and the kitties climb up and snuggle with me while they look out the window at the birds and the people going by in their cars. It’s a happy place here. We take lots of naps together and will stay together forever. I’m not a traditional adoption blanket, you see, but I do get to spend forever and ever with more than one cat and that makes me special too.

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