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From the Director's Desk

Updated: May 30, 2023

Wrapped in Love: artisans with a mission changed my life. I'm not the only one who has said or written those words. It's truly amazing what can happen when like minded people from all walks of life, all ages, from all over, can find a place to virtually get together to change the lives of rescue animals. That's what this amazing group is all about. My personal Wrapped in Love story started in 2014. I was recently unemployed and looking for ways to do something. I wanted to get back into sewing, I was already involved in rescuing. I had done fostering, transports, a bit of on site volunteering, and of course, adopting. For some reason, Facebook recommended the Wrapped in Love (henceforth abbreviated WIL) group. It was such a small group, but I joined. I liked the idea immediately. Everything back then was very manual and only occurred on Facebook. Pledging was done in post comments and required tracking by copying the numbers and adding them up. That's not a big deal when you are only asking for 20 blankets at a time. I pledged and participated but was antsy. I wanted to do more so I started bugging the founder of the group to let me help. He was not about to let just anyone help this group. He finally caved in and we talked on the phone. He realized that my customer service, editing, and English major skills could be put to good use. At first I just cleaned up his writings for him. Eventually he asked me to start doing some posts. Then I became his assistant. In 2015 when it was absolutely necessary for him to step back from spending so many hours daily on this group, he asked me to step in for him. I wasn't sure about it. I was comfortable assisting, not leading WIL. I agreed, but kept saying when he wanted to come back and take over again, I was ready to step down. Now, as we are looking at being in existence for so many years and have pledged well over 30,000 blankets plus thousands of other items, I'm still leading the group. Patrick entrusting me with this group is not the only way WIL changed my life. I learned a lot along the way. I learned about the details of puppy mills. The reality of the heartbreak that puppy mills even exist is a tragedy that shouldn't be in modern days. To think that dogs are treated as agricultural commodities in first world countries is beyond abhorrent, but it's true. I've learned of the struggles that small, volunteer run, rescues deal with daily. It's a 24/7/365 job filled with highs and lows, poop, pee, lack of funding, criticism, and angry people who are not allowed to adopt specific animals for very valid reasons. I've learned that there are so many kind, loving, compassionate, people in the rescue world. I've learned that the world is beautiful if you look in the right places. I've met people, both in person and virtually, that I proudly claim as friends. I've talked to and chatted with rescue contacts that seem like old friends from the get go. I've fallen in Love with the dogs and cats that are shared on our Facebook page. Most of all, I get a daily dose of warm fuzzies due to the drama free, and positive interactions on our Facebook page. No matter what is going on in life, in the news, or if I'm just tired, Wrapped in Love: artisans with a mission makes my life infinitely better. I'm truly blessed to lead this amazing group of people. It's such a simple concept: give a rescue animal a blanket. Blankets are soothing, calming, and can make a scared animal feel more secure. It's been seen over and over again. A dog that is frightened and confused, hovering in the back of a kennel, will relax a little when given a blanket to cuddle. We've been told over and over that our blankets are special. It's as if they can feel the Love infused into each one. We put a heart on our adoption blankets to symbolize that Love. I can't count the number of times that we've been told that their WIL blanket is their favorite blanket. Our blankets have welcomed furbabies to rescues, to foster homes, to furever homes, and have accompanied them on their trips across the Rainbow Bridge. Wrapped in Love has changed my life, the life of our members, the life of rescuers, the life of the rescued furbabies. I hope you will give it a chance to change yours too.

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